75mins/UK/Digital/2018, an essay film by Mark Norfolk.
How Do You Sleep At Night is an informal, impersonal essay that dispassionately implores us to examine our conscience. Using analogue and superimposed digital images along with discordant, transcendental soundscape and occasional narration, we are encouraged to dare to dream, to dare to let our minds drift and in those moments to consider our societal inertia, domestic passivity and its inherent connotation where to do nothing is to comply, is to be complicit. How Do You Sleep at Night is formed of a series of images captured on domestic digital cameras over a ten year period, from moments or events in numerous countries and cultures. They present a document of a delicate global community precariously balancing the serenity of nature and the unnatural syncopated pace forced upon humans by a perceived progressive way of life. The film seeks to question the most human of pastimes: sleep. How does one sleep whilst about the sleeper, the known world transforms itself irrevocably, socially and environmentally- and for the most part, in negative fashion? How Do You Sleep At Night is a dream. Or a nightmare. Notations:
Urban Internecine Intercession, Muse Gallery, London 2019