Honored Moocher Brings His Evolution to the Forefront with New Tune"

Gladstone Letele, aka Honored Moocher, is a Rapper from the era where you had to have lots of names to be cool. His other aliases are Perf, Professor Ohmidas and Leopard. Born in the Southern Part of Africa, he spent a lot of time moving around as a young man, to places ranging from Ghana, New york, Los Angeles, San Francisco Johannesburg and Lesotho.. He describes his music as very Def Jux, with the occasional tinge of Soul which can be heard in his melodies. His father played nothing but 70’s English Rock, Jazz, Rhythm n Blues and soul. His introduction to Rap music, was from his cousin who was an MC and poet. His cousin encouraged him to write his own songs from all the interesting experiences had from all his travels. After studying film abroad at New York Film Academy he starred in the TV series Oceans 3 introducing a new generation of South Africans to Antarctica through the genre of Hip Hop. His high powered performances include opening up for Hip Hop legends Canibus at the Bassline in Johannesburg and for Talib Kweli at the popular BTTC (Back To The City) Festival. In addition he has been nominated for an Independent Music Award for Best Rap Album alongside Masta Ace and has had his music placed in two films Vehicle 19 and Othello Burning..