The gradual demise of Florida - Desantis

The Unfair Laws of Govender DeSantis: A Look into the Controversial Policies Governor DeSantis of Florida has been making waves in the political world with his controversial policies. While some support these laws, others feel that they are unfair and unjust. Here rea some of the most contentious laws passed by Governor DeSantis and why they are seen as unfair, and the video response of a few people across the state and country. Section 1: The Anti-Riot Law One of Governor DeSantis’ most controversial laws is the Anti-Riot Law. This law states that anyone who participates in a violent or disorderly assembly can be charged with a third-degree felony, which carries a penalty of up to five years in prison. Additionally, anyone who damages property during an assembly can be charged with a second-degree felony, which carries a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. Critics argue that this law unfairly targets peaceful protesters who may inadvertently become caught up in violence caused by a small group of individuals. They also claim that this law violates individuals’ First Amendment rights to free speech and assembly. Section 2: The Poll Tax Law Another controversial law passed by Governor DeSantis is the Poll Tax Law. This law requires individuals with felony convictions to pay all fines, fees, and restitution before their voting rights can be restored. Critics argue that this law is discriminatory against low-income individuals and minorities who may not have the financial resources to pay off their fines or restitution. They claim that this law effectively creates a modern-day poll tax, which was outlawed by the 24th Amendment to the Constitution. Section 3: The Transgender Athlete Ban In June 2021, Governor DeSantis signed into law a ban on transgender women and girls from participating in women’s sports at the high school and college levels. Critics argue that this law is discriminatory against transgender individuals and violates their rights to equal protection under the law. They also claim that this law is based on stereotypes and misinformation about transgender individuals’ physical abilities. Section 4: The Big Tech Censorship Law In May 2021, Governor DeSantis signed into law a bill that aims to combat big tech censorship. This law allows individuals to sue social media platforms for deplatforming them or removing their content. Critics argue that this law is unconstitutional and violates the First Amendment rights of social media companies. They claim that private companies have the right to decide what content they allow on their platforms, just as private citizens have the right to choose who they associate with. Section 5: The Stand Your Ground Expansion Law Governor DeSantis expanded Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in April 2021, which now allows people to use deadly force against anyone they feel is threatening them without first attempting to retreat. Critics argue that this law could lead to an increase in gun violence and vigilante justice. They claim that the original intent of the Stand Your Ground law was to protect individuals who were genuinely in danger, not those who simply felt threatened. Conclusion Governor DeSantis’ controversial policies have caused a great deal of debate among politicians, activists, and citizens alike. Some see these laws as necessary measures to protect public safety, while others view them as discriminatory and unjust.